Have you seen these illustrations about women and their stories about their bodies. Brazilian artist Carol Rossetti manages to capture the reality of the way women's bodies are objectified and used to oppress them . . . but she also manages to craft the perfect confidence-inspiring comeback to all those instances of negativity. Looking through the images you can't help but feel hopeful and strong.
Your freedom has no expiration date!
From article on mic.com.
Check out a complete album of the artwork at Rossetti's facebook page.
These are really great! Good find! The idea that a woman exists for the benefit of society and not as an autonomous & self-determined person is insidious in our culture. It isn't until someone points out the absurdity of this idea that one realizes how damaging it can be. I've personally decided that I as long as I look like a healthy human being who can do anything no one can or should ask for more than that.